We Fight For Our Clients
Can I Travel to Other States if I’ve Been Convicted of a DWI?
The short answer is, “yes” you can. Luckily, even with a DWI conviction, you are able to travel within the United States. There really is no moratorium on travel within the United States. Just like any other citizen you are free to move about and cross state lines.
However, there are some exceptions. First, if you have a suspended driver’s license in Texas, you are not permitted to travel or drive in any other state. Your driver’s license must be valid to allow you to drive in any other state.
Next, If your DWI sentence in Texas has limited you, such that you may only drive to and from work, you are not allowed to drive when you travel outside the state.
Lastly, If you are on parole or under probation for your DWI in Texas, you must have permission from the authorities to travel out of state. If you travel out of state without permission, you run the risk of having your parole or probation revoked, which is never a good thing. Make sure to consult with your Pearland DWI defense attorney to stay on the right side of law when you plan to travel in these circumstances.
Phone: (713) 804-6698
Office Hours: 8AM – 5PM
9307 Broadway St., Ste. 210B,
Pearland, Texas 77584

DWI Expertise:
First DWI
Second DWI
Third DWI
Habitual DWI Offenders
DWI or drug DWI
Underage Minor DWI
DWI Manslaughter
DWI for Child Passenger
Boating while intoxicated
Felony DWI