“N O J U D G E M E N T…just the answers you need at the time that you need them.
Here at Alston Landry, we don’t JUDGE. We educate, rehabilitate, and make sure that one bad in-the-moment decision doesn’t turn into a weight you have to carry for the rest of your life. ”
Shane is well-acquainted with Texas DWI law. As a seasoned criminal lawyer, he possesses extensive knowledge and expertise in every facet of DWI defense. Shane has a straightforward approach to all cases. Honesty, integrity, and knowing the law are what he prides himself on. Shane will fight to protect your rights and he NEVER judges you. He will meticulously review each and every detail to make sure that the police officer followed protocol and Shane is not afraid to confront anyone when they are in the wrong. He provides comprehensive legal advice and strategy, and he offers compassion, honesty, and understanding to each case. He believes there is never a problem too big or small that cannot be solved, and it is his mission to provide exceptional customer service to his clients.
At the conclusion of your case, Shane wants you to feel as though you have been well represented and understood what was going on every step of the way.
Texas, 2012
South Texas College of Law, 2012, Juris Doctorate
University of Houston-Clear Lake, Magna Cum Laude
State Bar of Texas
American Bar Association
Houston Bar Association
Brazoria County Bar Association

“We are a family that believes in second chances and we will do what we can to make sure you get that second chance. Trust us when you can’t trust anyone else.”
Knows YOUR RIGHTS – Trial Ready
Christian is a highly competent and compassionate attorney who understands complicated cases. She strives to keep clients focused on what is most important, which is an achievable result that will put her clients in the best position to get past this terrible situation. Her goal in each case is to reach a resolution as amicably as possible. However, Christian does not shy away from an aggressive approach to our client’s rights as afforded by the law. If a resolution is not possible, you can trust that Christian is an experienced trial attorney that will fight endlessly for YOU.
She does not JUDGE you and understands that mistakes are made, but that one mistake should not follow you for the rest of your life. Christian believes that all persons no matter, race, religion, or sexual orientation, have the right to be equally represented under the laws of the state of Texas.
Texas, 2007
Texas Southern University, 2006, Juris Doctorate
Lake Superior State University, 2003, Magna Cum Laude
State Bar of Texas
Brazoria County Bar Association